Thursday, January 6, 2011

Knowing God Chapter 15 - The Wrath of God

-Wrath: old English word which means intense anger and indignation

-God's wrath, fury, and anger are referred to more in Holy Scripture than His love.

-Strong verse in OT that refers to God's wrath:
Nahum 1:2-8

-Strong verse in NT that refers to God's wrath:
2 Thess. 1:7-10

2 Points about God's Wrath:

1.) God's wrath is always judicial.
Romans 2:5-6

2.) God's wrath is something people choose for themselves
John 3:18-19

The meaning of God's Wrath:
God resolute action in punishing sin
Romans 2:5
Romans 5:8-9
Romans 3:5-7

The revelation of God's Wrath:
God's wrath is imprinted on our conscience
Romans 1:18

The deliverance from God's Wrath:
Romans 5:8-9
Romans 3:24-25

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