Q: What is the chief end of man? A: Man's chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Abortion in our land
As a father with a little girl that is about to be born next month, abortion has been weighing especially heavy on my heart in recent days. I have stayed awake in bed almost every night for the past month praying for my baby girl, and my heart is already with her. It makes me wonder how as a nation we tolerate the murders of millions of defenseless children? And from a Biblical perspective, how long until we receive God's judgment. I pray that on account of the many believers in our country that God would have mercy. God has already spoken on this issue! But in an age where God is mocked and his existence is questioned, his word is not valued. As we say in the Marine Corps, "Stand-by!" Our time is coming. Do not be fooled, what we sow we will also reap.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Knowing God Chapter 15 - The Wrath of God
-Wrath: old English word which means intense anger and indignation
-God's wrath, fury, and anger are referred to more in Holy Scripture than His love.
-Strong verse in OT that refers to God's wrath:
Nahum 1:2-8
-Strong verse in NT that refers to God's wrath:
2 Thess. 1:7-10
2 Points about God's Wrath:
1.) God's wrath is always judicial.
Romans 2:5-6
2.) God's wrath is something people choose for themselves
John 3:18-19
The meaning of God's Wrath:
God resolute action in punishing sin
Romans 2:5
Romans 5:8-9
Romans 3:5-7
The revelation of God's Wrath:
God's wrath is imprinted on our conscience
Romans 1:18
The deliverance from God's Wrath:
Romans 5:8-9
Romans 3:24-25
Knowing God Chapter 14 - God As Judge

Psalm 75:7 - "It is God who judges."
Hebrews 12:25 - "God the judge of all."
Think in your mind about the worst sins. . . God will right every wrong.
God does not judge in a whimsical or capricious way.
Old Testament Examples:
-God judged Adam and Even and expelled them from the Garden.
-God judged the world in Noah's day (Gen. 6-8).
-God judged Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen. 18-19).
- God judged Israel's Egyptian captives (Ex. 7).
-Myriad of other OT examples.
New Testament Examples:
-Judgment falls on the Jews for rejecting Christ (Matt. 21:43-44).
-Ananias and Sapphira for lying to God (Acts 5).
-Herod judged for his pride (Acts 12:21-23).
-The Christians in Corinth for irreverance to the Lord's Supper (1 Cor. 11:29-32).
Ecclesiastes 12:14 - "For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil."
The Bible speaks of a Future Judgment:
-James 5:9
-1 Peter 4:1-6
-2 Timothy 4:6-8
-Acts 17:30-31
-John 5:22
4 Thoughts or Qualities about our God:
1.) God has ultimate authority.
-God made us and everything in the universe
-God has a right to demand righteousness
2.) The Judge is both good and right.
-God loves righteousness and hates iniquity
-God sent His son to die for sinners
3.) The Judge is a person of wisdom, able to discern truth
-There is NO instance where wrong goes unpunished
4.) The Judge has the power to execute a sentence
-God is his own executioner
-Romans 2:6-11
-The character of God guarantees that all wrongs be righted.
-Jesus is the ultimate agent of God's justice.
-Matthew 25:31-46
-Those that are justified will not be cast aside
-But Christians have to give an account for their actions.
-1 Cor. 3:12-15
-2 Cor. 5:10
Romans 8:1 - "There is now, therefore, no condemnation for those in Christ..."
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