If I would have known how long and arduous this trip was going to be, I think I would have tried to get more sleep the night before I left. Needless to say, it was a killer of a trip! I got to Midland International Airport at about 0730 on Saturday morning June 28. My flight left to go to Dallas at 0940 and arrived at DFW at about 1115. I then had to book it over to the next terminal to catch the 1230 flight to Tokyo. This flight was a good 13 hour flight...don't worry Mom, I got up and walked around every few hours to avoid the "blood clots." When I finally got to Narita airport in Tokyo, it was already Sunday afternoon because we had crossed the International Date Line. I think I got to Tokyo at about 1300 in the afternoon. Somehow, I figured out pretty quickly after getting through customs that my connecting flight was not in the same terminal, so I took the bus over to Terminal 2. When I went to get my boarding pass in the next terminal, I was told that the plane would not be able to carry my bags. They said that they would ship them to me about a week later, but I needed them a lot sooner than that...So I opted to take a flight out of the neighboring Tokyo airport, Haneda. To get there I had to take a hour long bus ride through the city of Tokyo, which was pretty cool except for the fact that at this point, I could hardly keep from passing out (I couldn't sleep on my flight to Tokyo). I boarded the plane at about 1900 (7PM for you non-military folks) to go to Hiroshima. It was so cool...instead of people scanning their boarding passes, many of the passengers had the bar code that is on their "would-be boarding pass" uploaded on their cell phones...so they just held their cell phones up to the scanner and then got on the plane. Wow!
The flight to Hiroshima was a good two hour flight. I slept the entire two hours. By the time I reached Hiroshima and had retrieved my bags, it was about 2130 Sunday night and I was completely exhausted...but my journey was far from over. I then boarded a bus and took another hour long bus ride to the Hiroshima train station. After hauling my two 50 pound suitcases up and down a myriad of long stairwells, I finally reached my train stop. After boarding the train, I managed to stay awake the 45 minutes it took to reach Iwakuni only because I was afraid of missing my stop. Upon reaching Iwakuni, I was able to take a taxi to the base. By the time I secured my room (they game me the wrong room - it turns out that the room they gave me was a shelter room used to house wives and children that have suffered domestic abuse) it was 0045 AM. I finally just crashed in my bed...
God was good. Many times I did not know where to go or who I needed to talk to, and every time that I prayed and asked Him what I needed to do, He provided guidance. It was really pretty amazing. There's no way I could have figured out all of this on my own... really cool!
Grant, good to hear you are safe and sound friend. We were praying for you. Take care brother and have a good week. We are going to buy a camera this week so that we can use Skype(online interactive chat program). Talk to you later.
The mighty Birch
What a terrific way to keep up with your travels and future events. Thanks for sharing your stories. Travel is always an adventure in the 21st century and we can be grateful for all of our new technology. Today is the Fourth of July and we are celebrating tonight with 80 other members of our church in a parade and hamburger cookout. No, Papa is not doing the grilling this time.
We love you, Grammie and Papa
Hi Grant! So fun to read your blog!!! We are thinking of you and praying for you. Hope you are getting settled. If you are still on the yahoo group that we set up for Kaylynn and our trip to China, check it out. It has been a year today since we got her so we posted a message and pictures and there is a cute one of you and Catherine and Kaylynn. They are crazy about their cousin Grant!!
We love you,
Aunt Mary for all the Kleins
hahahaah. that was a great narrative of your journey thus far. I was very entertained. Thanks!!! We hope you have settled in!!!
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