God has used the prayer of Swiss Reformer and friend of John Calvin, Pierre Viret, as an unbelievable light in my life. It has stirred my affections for Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit has used it to bring my life even further under His Lordship. May the Lord use it as a means of grace in your life! I would encourage you to pray through it before your time in the Word of God. I pray that your relationship with the Lord will be strengthened and encouraged brothers and sisters!
Recognizing our faults and imperfections, and that we have nothing of ourselves that we did not receive from above, we humble ourselves before the high majesty of our good God and Father, full of goodness and mercy, praying to Him that He would not enter into judgment with us so as to punish us and correct us in His anger and fury [Psalm 6] in regard to our faults and iniquities, but that instead he would look upon the innocence, righteousness and obedience of His Son, Jesus Christ, whom He gave over to death for us.
For the love with which He pleases His Father, may the Lord have mercy upon us all, and by His celestial light chase away all darkness, error and ignorance from our hearts, filling us with His grace and with His Holy Spirit. Thus, may He lead us into full confidence in all truth, and open to us the true understanding of His holy Word, so that it may not be corrupted by our carnal sense and understanding. Instead, may He give us the grace by which He spoke by His holy prophets and apostles, so that being led by the same Spirit, we may declare to His honour and glory and to the edification of all. And may we not listen only with carnal ears to our own judgment and condemnation like the infidels and hypocrites, but rather may we be enable to receive it in our hearts as true children of God, by a true and living faith, which will be efficacious and active by love.
In this way may we learn to renounce ourselves, so that we no longer follow any idolatry, superstition or wicked carnal affections, so that we may fully place all our trust in Him, and consecrate ourselves and confirm ourselves completely to His holy will. Hence, may we know the favour of our Lord Jesus Christ, so that we may be found irreproachable and without spot before His face.
Together with all of these blessings, let us ask of this good God and Father all other things which He knows are necessary for us. Thus, as this great Saviour and Redeemer, Jesus Christ, His dear Son, our sovereign Master, has taught us all to pray with one heart: 'Our Father, which are in Heaven...'
Pierre Viret, Instruction Chretienne, Tome Premier, edition etable, presentee et annotee par Arthur-Louis Hofer (Lausanne: L'Age d'Homme, 2004), 365, 366.